Saturday, December 27, 2008
New Blog
Seriously. Some of my friends (who will not be named here) go freakin' gaga over cute pictures. Especially if they're cats. Excuse me. Kittens. Or, as Beth would say, Kit-tens. I am not sentimental. Or not very. That is why this blog is so awesome. Check it out.
End of the Year
It's the end the year, a good time to consider whether or not you've accomplished anything. I hate this time of year because my memory is horrible and I can't even remember the fourth gift I got for Christmas. We celebrated on Sunday. This is Saturday. And sad... this is very sad.
So, it's a good thing that I have this blog. I threw an awesome number of parties this summer. Again, summer, is like June to August, so twelve parties is pretty impressive. Even if I do say so myself. Work-wise, life is okay. It's definitely a good time to have a lot of vacation time.
Do I wish that I had done anything different? Who can remember? Probably been nicer to some people. And not have agreed to work Tuesdays at the K-Bar. And not tried to do so much. But then, that's true every year. It's just so hard to say "no."
So, it's a good thing that I have this blog. I threw an awesome number of parties this summer. Again, summer, is like June to August, so twelve parties is pretty impressive. Even if I do say so myself. Work-wise, life is okay. It's definitely a good time to have a lot of vacation time.
Do I wish that I had done anything different? Who can remember? Probably been nicer to some people. And not have agreed to work Tuesdays at the K-Bar. And not tried to do so much. But then, that's true every year. It's just so hard to say "no."
Thursday, December 25, 2008
And so this is Christmas...
After staying awake last night watching the third season of "The Office" with my brother and mother (bunny trail: I've tried to watch this show before and never enjoyed it. I just never got the charm. I really think that you had to have seen it from the beginning for it to be truly as wonderful as I now find it), I got up at 3 (2 o'clock Montana time) to get to O'Hare for my 6 o'clock flight. Most people loathe O'Hare. I love it. It's no Minneapolis airport, but it's the airport I grew up with so I feel pretty comfortable there. The last time I was there, it took me half an hour to check in and get through security. This time, check-in, no problem. I walked right up. They tried to make me pay for a bag but I fooled them and just carried all of my luggage on. Mwa ha ha! Security... soooooo... long. Why, why, why would they open up new security lines for people who just arrived and not for those who had been in line for 45 minutes? It's almost like they work for the same people I do... Things never make any sense. So, then I get to my gate and the flight is on time. Except for the head wind. Which made us 30 minute late. And my connection was in about 60 minutes in another terminal. I made it though since the plane needed to be heated and we didn't have a pilot. I love Christmas.
The best part of the day? Bohart Ranch was open for cross-country skiing. The worst part? I decided that I should go out for about 2 hours and I haven't been exercising lately. Blergh.
The best part of the day? Bohart Ranch was open for cross-country skiing. The worst part? I decided that I should go out for about 2 hours and I haven't been exercising lately. Blergh.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Snow Day
Well, since I didn't have to do anything today, it wasn't a true snow day. However, it is still a snow day when your plans (however tentative) to go skiing fall through, I think it counts. We've got lots of wind, lots of snow and plenty of cold. It's the second storm of this Montana winter and I am enjoying it, a LOT. My brother came down last night and chopped me some more wood. He, Allie, and I made a delicious dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and some mixed vegetables and watched "It's always sunny in Philadelphia." Strange show. I don't really like it, but I enjoy it...if that makes sense. The people are obnoxious but the writing is hilarious. Allie headed out and Josh and I just read and watched more of the show then went to sleep. Today, we woke up to a white landscape and a view that you could barely see through the swirling snow. A perfect day to sit home and enjoy some hot cocoa with a little bit of butterscotch schnapps. Or to go visit with your friends who had an impromptu brunch and then played hearts for two hours. Yay Snow Days!
Monday, December 8, 2008
So, you're walking down the street, going to get groceries. It's quiet, as only a small town can be on a snowy night. Through the headphones of your iPod, you hear something. As you get closer to the grocery story, you lift the latest episode of "The Daily Purge" to get a closer look and listen at something completely startling...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
What does one do for fun in Gardiner?
On a Thursday, one goes to the Christmas stroll. It's not an unusual thing for larger towns but it's much more fun here, where you know everyone. You can find out where the best food and drinks are. You can talk to the artists about their work. It's a wonderful time. I'm quite happy to live in a small town. Even if it can often be called the "Island of Misfit Toys." At least I fit in [wry grin].
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanksgiving -Gardiner Style
I love this time of year. The leaves (which Montana doesn't have, but I got to see in IN last weekend) turning, the smell of smoke in the air, getting to fire up my wood stove. I love it all. Soon we'll be gorging ourselves until, as Heidi would say, "our bellies are round and hard." My big plans for Thursday are to start off with brunch and the Macy's Day Parade, attend the Gardiner Turkey Trot (the town does 1-2 laps around the mile long triangle at the Roosevelt Arch), then go to rugby, and then put my pajamas on and eat appetizers and watch football for the rest of the day. Friday will be the day of feasting with somewhere between 5-12 of us. Who knows who will show up, but we have a 14 lb. turkey so I hope people are coming!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
More home work
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Montana Rep-Diaries of Adam and Eve
I'm on the arts council for Gardiner. It's mostly fun and I really enjoy being able to bring some great acts into our small town but sometimes it seems like a LONG process. Especially during board meetings
. We had our first performance this past Heidi was point person for the Montana Repertory Theatre. They were scheduled to perform Mark Twain's "The Diaries of Adam and Eve." The play is hilarious by the way. Absolutely wonderful. This group is always a joy to work with and the scenery was absolutely perfect. In an effort to bring more people in, Heidi not only advertised in the local newsletter, she hung posters and even threw a pre-show shindig. It was really fun, lots of food, lots of people, and a gorgeous sunset. Montana is so great for those.
After the show, we had a cake walk. It was a grand success and enjoyed by all. Last year we had attempted the musical chairs version (walk around in a circle, eliminate one chair and then one person each time). This year, we did the put-the-numbers-on-a-chair-and-then-pick-the-number-from-a-hat-for-people-to-win version. I was in charge of that part. I'm bossy so it works. We made enough money to cover our incidental expenses. Yay!
The night before,
Allie and I made/finished our cakes over at Ca
rrie's house while Heidi finished up her appetizers. My cake is on the left, Allie models her cake on the right. Heidi was finishing up her crab (crack) dip and putting it on fancy bread with lettuce. It was SO GOOD. She also made up her fancy beverages.
At the same time, we were watching Trailer Park Boys. If you've never seen this show, you really, really need to get it from Netflix. Canadians are funny, who knew?
You know who else is funny? Americans. Just check out the ants on a log and decorations that Allie and Heidi cooked up.
After the show, we had a cake walk. It was a grand success and enjoyed by all. Last year we had attempted the musical chairs version (walk around in a circle, eliminate one chair and then one person each time). This year, we did the put-the-numbers-on-a-chair-and-then-pick-the-number-from-a-hat-for-people-to-win version. I was in charge of that part. I'm bossy so it works. We made enough money to cover our incidental expenses. Yay!
The night before,
At the same time, we were watching Trailer Park Boys. If you've never seen this show, you really, really need to get it from Netflix. Canadians are funny, who knew?
You know who else is funny? Americans. Just check out the ants on a log and decorations that Allie and Heidi cooked up.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Working during the Winter
I am blessed enough to be able to walk to work. I'm only about 1/4 to 1/2 mile from work (never clocked it, suspect it is about half way between the two, it takes about 6 minutes to walk.) Here are a couple of pictures both from my walk and from my building. Ain't Montana wonderful?

Elk in the morning
Pretty mountain
My building
Monday, October 20, 2008
This ain't no reg'lar corn maze
So, I've been saying for YEARS that I've wanted to go to a corn maze. Well, there's not a lot of corn in south-central Montana so I kind of figured it was a pipe dream. Then, my friend Heidi found a haybale maze that they were setting up in Bozeman. That's only 80 miles away. So, eight of us made the perilous journey and went through the maze. It was TOTALLY AWESOME!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
So, I left a couple of slightly annoyed messages on Facebook about this, but my renters left on September the 17th. Thank god they left early. They left a pigsty. Seriously disgusting. Thank God my parents came and helped me out. I had somebody come in and clean the carpets. Somebody also did the walls. But I still needed to do the trim which took two coats and was all over the apartment. LOOOONNNGG Time. I figured it would take my parents and I a day to finish up everything that needed to be done. I was really, really wrong. I took two days off of work to help out and they were still working on Thursday and Friday. I REALLY lucked out in the parental department. Brand new flooring in the bathroom (it had been a rug), new toilet seat, new rug and countertop in the back room and more.
The Stove Before
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Debates
What are we discussing while what may be the election-deciding debate is on television? Who is the sexiest man on a dollar bill. Alicia voted for Hamilton but I have to argue for Jefferson. Both were probably sleeping with anything that moved but they sure are pretty.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Where the heck've I been?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fun at work
Friday, September 19, 2008
Yargh, it's been awhile...
I've been off the interweb for awhile lately. It's good sometimes not to spend every waking minute online. Only sometimes of course. Haven't gotten completely updated from all the cool stuff I've been doing. Last week was, of course, yoga on Monday. Tuesday was rugby and then I met with the Community Center board to talk about doing a joint dinner and a show with the Arts Council (which I am a member of).
Friday, September 12, 2008
Dinner at Lake last Tuesday
We had dinner at Lake Lodge and then drinks at the hotel. We even found time to place the HOBO at Lake Hotel so the museum can make sure that the items down there are staying all nice and cozy. Then we played King's Corner's until 10 and then went home. It was totally awesome.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Chocolate Party
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Labor Day
Was the day of our big TENTH party of the year. The weather was slated to be pretty horrible so we planned the House/martini party. Well, we needed Carrie's house because it has the biggest TV and the most comfortable house. We couldn't wake Carrie up until about 4, but then we started the show and spent almost six blissful hours in the land of House. Granted, it was the fourth season but it was still pretty good. I brought my baby blankets over and Heidi brought her socks. Trudy kept working on her potholders and Carrie started a blanket herself so it was also somewhat of a knitting party too. Good eats, good friends, good shows. What more does a girl need?
A week of no internet
I would've updated this sooner if I hadn't lost the internet at my house for five days. It turns out that I'm a total addict. Who knew? It was devastating. And it was such an exciting weekend.
It started out with Shakespeare in the Park from the Montana Shakespeare Company. I went with five friends and we took a feast. There was wine, cheese, crackers, grapes and cookies. Totally awesome. We sat on a blanket in the front part of the lawn. The play was wonderful and the atmosphere... well, just look at the picture! Our park is located just outside the Roosevelt Arch. Beautiful and historic. Oh yeah, baby.
Then, Friday night was a reception for Kerry and Stacy Gunther who went and got married at Pelican in March and didn't even tell anyone. There was lots and fun and dancing and two kegs of beer. After that, I was about to go home when I saw four of the guys from the show. I ended up hanging out with them until the wee hours of the morning. I haven't been out that late since July. And I don't think even then, actually.
I had to recuperate for the Music Festival on Sunday. This was the fifth annual music festival, the first year we've had to hold it indoors. The weather was slated to be absolutely crappy. The venue was cramped... but it worked out okay I think. I had to work at the K-Bar but my friends all stopped by after I was done and told me about the jam session that was happening afterward. The Two Bit has a back room that hasn't been open lately but a bunch of the bands came down and just started playing together. It was pretty cool but I still wasn't feeling up to snuff so I went to bed at about midnight.
Then, Friday night was a reception for Kerry and Stacy Gunther who went and got married at Pelican in March and didn't even tell anyone. There was lots and fun and dancing and two kegs of beer. After that, I was about to go home when I saw four of the guys from the show. I ended up hanging out with them until the wee hours of the morning. I haven't been out that late since July. And I don't think even then, actually.
I had to recuperate for the Music Festival on Sunday. This was the fifth annual music festival, the first year we've had to hold it indoors. The weather was slated to be absolutely crappy. The venue was cramped... but it worked out okay I think. I had to work at the K-Bar but my friends all stopped by after I was done and told me about the jam session that was happening afterward. The Two Bit has a back room that hasn't been open lately but a bunch of the bands came down and just started playing together. It was pretty cool but I still wasn't feeling up to snuff so I went to bed at about midnight.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Fangirly Eek!
A couple of months ago, I reviewed the book Summer of Fire by Linda Jacobs for the Wyoming Library Roundup Spring 2008 issue. It's a little cheesy but I really did enjoy the book. Generally, the book is categorized under "Fiction" but it has definite leanings toward both adventure and chick-lit. Her subsequent novels Rain of Fire and Lake of Fire have also been pretty good.
I had completely forgotten about it until today when Linda Jacobs came in to the library to do some research. Of course, I knew who she was. It made me all fan-girly and "Ooo! Ooo! An author is coming! An author is coming!" But then, she started flipping through the magazine and pointed to the review. "This is you!" I seriously started blushing. I could't even remember what I wrote. For library reviews, you're not supposed to praise or criticize authors. It's supposed to be more of a "this book about this and is suitable for these ages." I kind of cringe when I read my review. It just doesn't flow as well as the others on the page. And the author actually read it! Oh, crap. Oh, well. At least I didn't have to review the book written by my co-worker...
P.S. If I bought books based on niceness of the author, I'd buy 2 and 3/4 of her [three] books.
I had completely forgotten about it until today when Linda Jacobs came in to the library to do some research. Of course, I knew who she was. It made me all fan-girly and "Ooo! Ooo! An author is coming! An author is coming!" But then, she started flipping through the magazine and pointed to the review. "This is you!" I seriously started blushing. I could't even remember what I wrote. For library reviews, you're not supposed to praise or criticize authors. It's supposed to be more of a "this book about this and is suitable for these ages." I kind of cringe when I read my review. It just doesn't flow as well as the others on the page. And the author actually read it! Oh, crap. Oh, well. At least I didn't have to review the book written by my co-worker...
P.S. If I bought books based on niceness of the author, I'd buy 2 and 3/4 of her [three] books.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A day in the life...
All in all, a pretty fun excursion. It was damn cold for most of the trip but I got to get out of the office. And I got to use the facilities in the new Canyon Visitor Center. They are very clean and very nice and there are lots of stalls in the ladies restroom. The last, of course, being the most important thing in a ladies restroom. No line.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So, the ninth party went off without a hitch. It was chilly, very chilly but the crowd stayed warm by yelling comments at the screen as the Wolverines crept around their small Colorado town during WWIII.
I also heard that the VIP tour that I did for the Representative from Indiana was well-received so that sounds nice. Quote, "Outstanding." I... am... outstanding. Thank you.
I also heard that the VIP tour that I did for the Representative from Indiana was well-received so that sounds nice. Quote, "Outstanding." I... am... outstanding. Thank you.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Cici Guiles just pointed out that our group of friends has thrown eight parties this summer making the one tonight number nine not number eight.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Checking in with the Summer 2008 to-do list
- Plan at least 10 parties (seven completed, two more planned)
- Attend the Roosevelt cookout (all booked, not going to happen)
Snorkel in the YellowstoneSnorkel in the Firehole- Have a House marathon, complete with martinis
Wii tournamentGet drunk on the Fourth of July- 3rd annual Chocolate party
- make sure to put it in the newsletter
Make a plan to BBQ with the boys in Tower- Go see "Sex in the City"
Float the Yellowstone in innertubes- Plan a weekend to
float the Madison Riverand go to Virginia City and maybe go to Lewis and Clark Caverns Attend an art walk in LivingstonFind a new summer drinkIt's pink lemonade and blueberry vodka (heard about on the "How Much Do We Love" podcast). I have no idea if it really has a name but we're calling it a Pink Lady.
Snorkeling the Firehole

Saturday, August 16, 2008
So I finally joined facebook. I have mixed feelings about this. It seemed like a good idea at the time... but now people can find me. I don't know about this...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Okay, normally I totally eschew forwards but I really liked this one from my friend Leslee. Plus, I'm a total egomaniac and this blog is all about me. Learn all about me in one easy paragraph.
This is for your entire life!
So, for this portion, you put x's next to the ones that you've done.
( ) Gone on a blind date
(x) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada -
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Jumped out of a plane
( ) Been on a Helicopter
(x) Been lost
6. How much do you love your job? Quite a bit
8. Favorite Vacation spot? anywhere but where I am
9. Ever been to Africa ? no
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? YES, usually with ice cream
11. Ever been on TV? yes
12. Ever steal any traffic sign? no
13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes, but I wasn't driving
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door
15. Favorite salad dressing? Whatever isn't expired
16. Favorite pie? PIE
17. Favorite number? Q
18. Favorite movie? Too many to count
19. Favorite holiday? The day of my birth
20. Favorite dessert? Anything sweet
21. Favorite food? You mean I have to pick one?
22. Favorite day of the week? Really? This is a question?
23. What do you do to relax? read for pleasure
24. Favorite toothpaste? Crest
25. Favorite smell? Nope
26. Favorite color? Pink
27. Favorite song? Right now? Moondance by Van Morrison
28. How do you see yourself in 10 years? 38
This is for your entire life!
So, for this portion, you put x's next to the ones that you've done.
( ) Gone on a blind date
(x) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada -
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Jumped out of a plane
( ) Been on a Helicopter
(x) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
(x) Gone to Washington DC-Didn't I just answer that?
(x) Gone to Washington DC-Didn't I just answer that?
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons
(x) Sang Karaoke
( ) Paid for a meal with coins only?
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (In front of a crush, no less)
(x ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue--it's like they know me
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Gone ice-skating
(x)Gone Skiing (Water)
(x) Been skinny dipping outdoors
(x) Gone to the movies
(x) Been to a drive-in movie
Open-ended question time now, I edited out the dumb ones
1.Any nickname? Yes
3. Favorite drink? Right now, Lemonade
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons
(x) Sang Karaoke
( ) Paid for a meal with coins only?
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (In front of a crush, no less)
(x ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue--it's like they know me
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Gone ice-skating
(x)Gone Skiing (Water)
(x) Been skinny dipping outdoors
(x) Gone to the movies
(x) Been to a drive-in movie
Open-ended question time now, I edited out the dumb ones
1.Any nickname? Yes
3. Favorite drink? Right now, Lemonade
4. Tattoo? Yes
5. Body Piercings? ears6. How much do you love your job? Quite a bit
8. Favorite Vacation spot? anywhere but where I am
9. Ever been to Africa ? no
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? YES, usually with ice cream
11. Ever been on TV? yes
12. Ever steal any traffic sign? no
13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes, but I wasn't driving
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door
15. Favorite salad dressing? Whatever isn't expired
16. Favorite pie? PIE
17. Favorite number? Q
18. Favorite movie? Too many to count
19. Favorite holiday? The day of my birth
20. Favorite dessert? Anything sweet
21. Favorite food? You mean I have to pick one?
22. Favorite day of the week? Really? This is a question?
23. What do you do to relax? read for pleasure
24. Favorite toothpaste? Crest
25. Favorite smell? Nope
26. Favorite color? Pink
27. Favorite song? Right now? Moondance by Van Morrison
28. How do you see yourself in 10 years? 38
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Book challenging
In libraries, especially public libraries, there are patrons who will object to different books being on the shelves. The reasons are generally varied. Sometimes the book shows a religion that a parent might object to or perhaps they don't like the story. Most libraries are well-prepared for this eventuality and there is generally a lengthy process before (if) a book is ever removed.
The first step is generally that a person will fill out a complaint form. At that time, they are usually given a bunch of literature, mostly from the American Libraries Association (ALA) about the freedom of speech etc. Then, the head of the department where the book was challenged (almost always occurring in the Children's Area) will respond to the person.
One such response has been making the rounds lately. It is maybe not the most poetic letter ever composed, but it is well-written and well-thought out and really makes the point that we may not always agree with other people's opinions, but that does not mean that everyone else in their community should be deprived of the book because of them.
I like that this gentleman points out that the woman should be proud that she has passed on her ideals to her daughter. He may not agree with her view point on the subject, but he is certainly not trying to preach his own ideals. Nor is he trying to restrict her point of view just because he disagrees with it.
It will be interesting to see what this woman's response is. If she pushes it further, the library may offer to put other books on the shelves that say that gay marriage is wrong (do such children's books exist?) but I sincerely doubt that the book will be removed without a fight.
The first step is generally that a person will fill out a complaint form. At that time, they are usually given a bunch of literature, mostly from the American Libraries Association (ALA) about the freedom of speech etc. Then, the head of the department where the book was challenged (almost always occurring in the Children's Area) will respond to the person.
One such response has been making the rounds lately. It is maybe not the most poetic letter ever composed, but it is well-written and well-thought out and really makes the point that we may not always agree with other people's opinions, but that does not mean that everyone else in their community should be deprived of the book because of them.
I like that this gentleman points out that the woman should be proud that she has passed on her ideals to her daughter. He may not agree with her view point on the subject, but he is certainly not trying to preach his own ideals. Nor is he trying to restrict her point of view just because he disagrees with it.
It will be interesting to see what this woman's response is. If she pushes it further, the library may offer to put other books on the shelves that say that gay marriage is wrong (do such children's books exist?) but I sincerely doubt that the book will be removed without a fight.
Garage Sale--Party Seven
Friday, August 8, 2008
New Rumors
So, I think I've kvetched about this before. I have lived here for over three years now (not counting the first two summers) and I've never heard a rumor about me before. Finally, while making the pinata for Carrie's cancer-free/birthday party, I heard the second one (the first was that I am trying to throw a hundred parties this summer, that one, I've heard it twice). Apparently, Heidi and I (pictured in this pinata making picture) are dating. This is a surprise for a couple of reasons. First, if there were a lesbian dating rumor about me, I would have thought that it would be me and Guiles. Good lord, we throw enough parties together. Second, I'm surprised that someone thinks I could land a Heidi. If I could find a guy like her, I'd be trying to date him.
Anyway, I finally have a rumor about me!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Parties Five and Six
Thursday night was party five, hosted by our very own lovely Heidi. She, MacNeil and Lucy had missed their annual Fourth of July party so they just moved it to the end of July instead.
Party six, celebrated yesterday e'en was to celebrate the birth of one C. Guiles. Will write more about that later. We also had to throw in a "Yay! Carrie's cancer-free" moment as well. I will be posting a video of the pinata later...
And here it is..
Party six, celebrated yesterday e'en was to celebrate the birth of one C. Guiles. Will write more about that later. We also had to throw in a "Yay! Carrie's cancer-free" moment as well. I will be posting a video of the pinata later...
And here it is..
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It's been pointed out by more than one person that my blog name is.... somewhat misleading. So, sometime in the next couple of weeks I'm going to change the address.
Just so's y'all know.
I'm going to try and get something more... sedate. Maybe "jessisblog" but that is probably taken and looks a bit confusing. Something with an address that I can give to my parents. Maybe something easy to remember?
Suggestions are welcome.
Off-the-cuff ideas:
jessigye (GYE being the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem)
pizzababe (though I debate this job every other month or so)
bookbabe (again, probably already taken)
yorkler (for Yellowstone snorkler)
Just so's y'all know.
I'm going to try and get something more... sedate. Maybe "jessisblog" but that is probably taken and looks a bit confusing. Something with an address that I can give to my parents. Maybe something easy to remember?
Suggestions are welcome.
Off-the-cuff ideas:
jessigye (GYE being the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem)
pizzababe (though I debate this job every other month or so)
bookbabe (again, probably already taken)
yorkler (for Yellowstone snorkler)
Party Four
...happened while I was in Cayucos. Carrie Guiles has assured me that she has pictures and will be posting them soon. Check her blog for more details.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
So, I recently got to spend a week in California with my Dad's sister's family. Seven kids in the family. They like to play board games when they get together. I was in heaven. We played Scene It: Squabble more than once and the boys couldn't understand why they weren't winning. I guess that, if you put Terry, Todd and Tom on the same team, they usually win.
I started the weekend off by picking up my brother in Bozeman (notice his hair, big sausage curls down past his shoulders and then he chopped it all off for Locks of Love) and we grabbed lunch then went to the airport. We had to get ourselves up to Cayucos from L.A. We landed just before seven at night and made it to the 'rents' condo around 10:30. The fires were amazing. We weren't at all close but you could see the flames lighting up the northern sky.
The condo was right on the beach. Almost every morning, we started the day by walking along the beach. Notice the coffee mugs in almost every hand and my mother in her jammies. In this picture, she had picked up some big piece of seaweed and was swinging it back and forth until the darn thing broke off. It's not often that the four of us get to spend time together so the three days we had were pretty awesome. We played a lot of Euchre. Stupid boys kept winning.
It was a great week. We saw a bunch of dolphins and seals. I even made it into the water once, the ocean is breathtakingly cold. The absolute worst part of the vacation was when I rolled my ankle playing beach volleyball. Say it with me, "aaaaawwwwww." Just can't help but feel sorry for me, can ya? A week of sand, sun and ice cream. Poor, poor me.
On Thursday night, I went to San Luis Obispo with my cousins Emily and Katie. There is a farmer's market there every week. Unfortunately, it was all food. We had really been hoping for more of a people/artisan's market. Earrings or other jewelry would have been appreciated. But there were none. Katie is... almost seventeen and the youngest of seven. She's definitely a pistol, keeps the rest of the family on their toes. Emily just turned 21 and is excited to be able to drink. On Friday, I went out with her, her father, and his two friends to play shuffle board. It was an experience. They were definitely more of drinkers than I am. I had three beers and quit. All in all, a week full of brand-new experiences.

On Thursday night, I went to San Luis Obispo with my cousins Emily and Katie. There is a farmer's market there every week. Unfortunately, it was all food. We had really been hoping for more of a people/artisan's market. Earrings or other jewelry would have been appreciated. But there were none. Katie is... almost seventeen and the youngest of seven. She's definitely a pistol, keeps the rest of the family on their toes. Emily just turned 21 and is excited to be able to drink. On Friday, I went out with her, her father, and his two friends to play shuffle board. It was an experience. They were definitely more of drinkers than I am. I had three beers and quit. All in all, a week full of brand-new experiences.
Family portraits
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