Saturday, April 28, 2012

March Against the War on Women

On April 28th, women gathered across the United States to protest the war against them. Some people say that there is no war. Then why do women get paid 75% of what men get paid to do the same job? Why is being a woman considered a pre-existing condition in health insurance? Why are our rights being considered lesser than those of unborn babies? My friend Bridgette was the organizer for Montana. She's a wonderful woman, a mother, a great coworker and someone who is not afraid to stand up for what she wants to believe in. There were 40 women (and one guy) from Gardiner in a group of 200 women. Unfortunately, this is Montana and there was a huge snow storm which deterred a lot of people from coming but it was still a great turnout.

Yep, I drew this. If you don't know what it is... you need some help.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


For a little over a year, I've been running with Heidi, and sometimes on my own. It's not fun. I'm not going to go there. Well, except when it is. We decided to bike to Rescue Creek, run for awhile, and then bike back. It ended up being 2.5 miles for each of the two activities. Leigh Anne joined us for the running portion (she is training for an 8 mile run up a mountain, silly woman). It had been raining off and on all week but it cleared up just enough to get out for that hour. Afterwards, a beer and some Bananagrams were enjoyed by all.

Trying to get pictures of me doing our celebratory "We're almost done" leaps

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dave's Sushi and clinicals

There is a restaurant in Bozeman that has the best sushi in Montana. It's a small place with something like eight tables but it's always packed because the food is fabulous. See below:

Carrie and I went up to Bozeman to do our clinicals and, since we started at 7 in the morning, we decided to sleep at Josh's. As a thank you, we invited Josh and Courtney out to dinner and had a ton of fun with good food.
The practicals went well but it was a long-ass day. We got there at 7 and were on our feet pretty much the whole day until we got done at 5. We took blood pressures, temperatures, pulse ox, and some histories (which we really weren't supposed to). We also cleaned a lot of rooms. Because it was a Sunday, it was pretty slow. I was hoping for some fun April Fool's mishaps, but, alas, it didn't happen. Also, there had been a pretty big snow storm so a lot of people stayed indoors. Thank god that's over.