Sunday, December 11, 2016
Holiday Collage
Friday, December 2, 2016
Gardiner Christmas Stroll
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Bechler Day 4
Woke up around 5 and couldn't get back to sleep so I read until Trudy woke up around 7.
There had been rain off and on during the night so I thought it might be wet out and when we opened the tent door, there were two little icicles hanging off the bottom. But when Trudy opened the rain fly, it was dry. Apparently, our body heat had generated condensation which then froze.
We decided to wait for a while and let our stuff dry since most of it was still damp. We finally hit the trail a little after 10 with mostly blue skies ahead but some darkish clouds dotting the sky. We made it to the slough fairly quickly and I had my water shoes on so I de-pantsed and waded in. It was muddy from yesterday's rain so it was quite exciting to wonder whether the next step might be into a hole. There weren't any. So we pantsed back up and headed on.
We had each made a prediction when the stock group we met yesterday might pass us. Trudy predicted at the junction and I predicted about a half mile beyond. They caught up with us just as we were about at the junction but they were just getting off for lunch. We also decided to pause.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Hanging out
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Robert Gresswell
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Cultural Resources tour of GRTE
Tuesday keynote
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Bechler Day 3
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Bechler Day 2
It sprinkled off and on as we made our way up the hill toward Dunanda. We opted to take the lower trail that runs through 9A3. We grabbed a quick lunch and the changed into our bathing suits and headed for the hot springs. And was it ever beautiful. After about an hour and a half of floating, it started to thunder so we decided that it might be good to head back.
About 1/3 of the way down the trail, it started to rain. Now, I had made the fatal error of believing the forecast of 30% chance of rain and not brought a rain jacket. I have learned this is not wise in the past but somehow I forgot. So I was pretty well soaked through. But I did stop by the horse camp to drop off the sunglasses that had been left at Dunanda. The owner was pretty darn excited to have them back.
When we got back to camp, it was still raining, so Trudy and I crawled into the tent to read for awhile. We got out for a quick dinner and then drifted off to sleep
Saturday, September 17, 2016
First day in Bechler
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Roosevelt Cookout
Cole and Ric were our wagon leaders. We had a lot of fun on the way out with a mixture of Cole telling us some of the history and explaining some of the natural elements here. Then he had everyone introduce themselves and say their favorite part that they've seen or want to see.
Then we made it to the cookout and Jeanette brought out her water bottle which was filled with wine. And we sat and enjoyed that while the food line went down. Then we got up and waited in line with options for cornbread muffins, coleslaw, potato salad, corn salad, and steak. Delicious, perfectly cooked steak.
Then there were songs and stories around the campfire. And back onto the wagons and back to Roosevelt.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Peale Island -- Day 1
We got on the boat and headed to the island. As usual, the ride was fantastic. I just love being on the research boat. On the way, we saw our first groups of pelicans. There were pelicans galore this weekend. So. Cool.
When we off-loaded, Trudy, Heidi and I grabbed our bags and headed for Peale Island while Eric and his dad went to check out some bays for aquatic plants. After we got set up, we headed over to help them look for more plants. This involved a lot of wading in the mud and letting me get touched by icky plants.
After a few hours of this, it was back to the island for dinner. Heidi and Trudy cooked up some burritos, including warming the shells. It was fabulous.
We then introduced Barry to the joys of Farkle. Eric had already played and we had a rollicking good time.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Park work trip
Hailey discussed Marguerite "Peg" Lindsley, the first female park ranger. Peg was often called "Paint Pot Peg" after she fell into a geyser while leading a three-day horse pack trip and fell into a geyser burning part of her leg
We stopped at the second pull out of the Mammoth Terraces where Tyler talked about filming in the park
On Swan Lake Flats, Kelsey talked about Electric Peak and electricity in the park
We weren't able to stop at Obsidian Cliff because of the construction but We pulled off at a nearby pullout so Emily could discuss the cultural significance of the site. There is some discussion that Yellowstone may have been viewed as a "neutral zone" because of its significance to so many tribes (26 that are formally linked at the moment)
Joe had us stop at Madison and talked about the campfire myth and Stephen Mather.
We stopped at Mattie Culver's grave since we were making good time. Colleen discussed the Marshall Hotel and Fountain Hotel.
Sam very bombastically talked about the 1915 World's Fair where the Union Pacific set up a miniature Yellowstone, complete with canyon, 80 foot waterfall, and to-scale OFI.
After lunch at OFI, we stopped at Kepler Cascades where Suzie talked about stagecoach robberies
The next stop was a pullout after Pott's Basin where Deb talked about the American Loon which is a species of "special concern" (not quite threatened or endangered)
Then Amanda discussed the South Entrance road and the road system in general. Craig Pass, Dunraven, and Golden Gate are all fears of engineering.
We got stopped on the way to Lake because of an accident and ended up back at the Old Faithful General Store for ice cram and a pee break. Then we did the last five minute sections that we were going to on he set side of the park. Vanessa talking about he Lake Lodge and Colleen talking about Fishing Bridge. One interesting note was that in the early automobile camp, there were shelters for
The automobiles while the people had to sleep in tents. In the 70s, a plan was developed to shut down Fishing Bridge completely but Cody revolted. There were bits and pieces hat have been shut down (or burned down in the '88 fires) but other concerns have taken the fire and it will probably remain open for a long while.
Katelyn and Joe talked about the Craighead brothers. They were pretty hard core before even getting to Yellowstone and starting a 10 (or 12) year study on the Bears of Yellowstone. The park was concerned that the Bears were getting too habituated. During their time, the Craigheads pioneered tranquilizing Bears, eventually tranquilizing over 600 Bears in the park. When the park decided to close the dumps, the Craigheads were concerned that they were moving too fast but the Park decided to just shut down all the dumps immediately.
Seth rounded out the evening with a talk about the flight of the Nez Perce. They are not native to the area but the trail is an important part of the park's history.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Trip to Cody
Monday, June 13, 2016
European wrap-up
Asking me about the best meal I had? They were all awesome. There were a couple that were only okay, true, but everything was just so much better than you can usually get over here.
There were so... many... English speakers. I tried to speak French but no one was enjoying my accent so the folks in the shops and restaurants usually just switched right over to English if they could.
I also finally learned how to prounounce Peugeot (poo-jus, (like au jus))
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Then a tour with Theierry. We started at Brasserie de Bocq. On the way, we passed the Leffe Abbey (which we learned last night, that means that the beer was once brewed by monks but no longer; the Trappistes beer is brewed in the Abbey an at least overseen by the monks). There are still monks in the abbey, but InBev (sp?) now makes the beer and uses their name.
Mouseau, a family brewed beer until just before the Second World War when they sold to the Lamotte family until a storm blew down the stack in the 70s. It was closed for a couple of decades but then opened by a man from Lamieux who renamed the beer Caracole (snail in French, the nickname of those
From Lamieux)
Two types of castles - on meant to defend something (usually on top of a cliff) This one was the same, but surrounded by wetlands that were dangerous to those who didn't know the area
The oldest part of this castle is in the river side. It has belonged to the same family for 25 generations. The gardens are not watered by pump, it comes down from the hills
Caracole beer is the last one in the world to heat the grains in the fireplace. They produced four beers until recently but now have a gastronomic beer by a local chef (at least a local gastronome)
Troublette -- white beer, a little dry for me
Saxo -- pale ale
Caracole --
Nostradamus -- five different malts
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Brussels Day 1
Pralines in Belgium are all chocolate - not mixed with almonds
Started in Chocopolis -- looks tacky/touristy but is local and they are the only company to ship anywhere in the world
There we got to taste a dark chocolate ganache (dairy free in Belgian) with chili -- nice and smooth and then, POW!
The. We walked over to the next stop and saw some history along the way.
Picture of the "Royal" area, palace, library, etc.
Museum of Music -- art nouveau
Brick building closeup is of an art nouveau building (ransom, just a neat building)
Confiseer - buys chocolate that is already made, melt it down and create from there
Chocolatier - buys cocoa beans and creates their own chocolate
At the second shop, Frederic Blondeel, Marie had us stop and smell. It was a fabulous: all fresh chocolate.
Marie told us she likes to start with single origin, then have an old favorite and then end with something experimental (flowers, etc.)
So we got a 73% chocolate from Papua New Guinea and then we got to choose between bay leaves/basil/peppercorn, black pepper, and citronella and THEN a choice between a milk praline hazelnut, a raspberry caramel, passion fruit caramel, and sea salt caramel) and THEN a ganache with Christmas spices and run
We went to the next stop, Pierre Marcolini, which was very busy but our guide took us up to the second (third) floor which had a thick carpet but it was fake grass which was interesting to sit on.
Marcolini was a pastry chef until he developed a gluten intolerance and then turned to chocolate
First chocolate was 75% chocolate from Madagascar. He makes tea with chocolate but also makes chocolate with tea -- we tried the Earl Grey Tea. Not Dad's favorite
And third we tried a chocolate that had a paste inside with cardamom. Interesting. That's all I've got for that one. Interesting.
On the way to the last chocolatier, we passed the medieval wall of Brussels. It is in Flemish territory but it is different.
Then we passed the Mannekin Piss, the official symbol of Brussels. The first one was put in in the 14th Century. Then it was replaced in the 17th Century when it was stolen. The last time it was stolen was the 1970s and it washouts in the river with its legs cut off.
We stopped in Grand Place which has existed as a square since the 12th century. It was mostly razed by Louis XIV's troops in the 1500s (except for the tower.
We went through the Royal Galleries (picture of the open air arch). Very Fancy Shops (Shoppes?)
Our last sweet shop was Meert which originally opened in 1761 (but only opened at this location in the last 5 years). We got to choose two and I got the Yuzu (lime from Japan) and the sea salt the Marie recommended.
The first beer stop was a puppet theatre. There are low fermentation beers (quick to make, most of the well-known beers e.g. Corona, Heineken, Budweiser). High fermentation is for the more complex beers (ales). Spontaneous fermentation (lambic beers from Brussels). We tried a cherry lambic, not sweet.
11 Trappist beers in the world, 6 in Belgium (only one in the States).
Duvel - like beer and champagne had a baby
The fries in Belgium are deep-fried in beef fat
We tried a stout which was good
Double and Triple beers -- beer used to be 3%, 6%, and 9% alcohol (so three, two times three, and three times three).
We had a round with Manchego and bread and then some salami and Serrano.
Apparently fresh hops and fresh weed smell very, very similar since they are in the same family.
The last beer was an IPA on the sweet side, not as citrus-y.
Then it was on to the oldest bar in town with traces into the 17th Century. I got a "girly" beer (another Kriek) while the "male" beer was the Trappistes Rochefort 8. Mortsubite.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Notre Dame and bus tour
And you learn a little bit about the whole history of France. Like the fact that this tour really likes to talk about the .salacious side of France, referring to Henry IV as a philanderer (twice) and talking about what people got up to after beheadings (brothels were involved.) students went in search of the lowlife in the disreputable areas near <jardins>
The picture of the Eiffel Tower includes a look at the statues in the Trocadero, seven men and one woman.
It takes 60 tons of paint to recover the Eiffel Tower
We also experienced some excitement when a motorcyclist went around the bus and we all went flying forward when the driver hit the brakes. Seatbelt are a good thing
he obelisk is the oldest monument in Aris
Thursday, June 9, 2016
June 10 -- Champs Elysee
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
June 8 Louvre tour with Malcolm
The green statue was one of four that were at the foot of a statue of Louis XIV. When he was overturned, his statue was melted down but the statues of his victims were left untouched.
Four statues representing the four rivers
The apartments of Napoleon Bonaparte III <one picture of Catherine de Medici>
Then we moved into the French painters
John the Good (Jean Le Bon) - the oldest picture of a French royal <picture>
Also saw pictures by Seuer and Poussin. Also some Vermeers, Goyen, and Dujardin in between the Richilieu and Sully wings (the Dutch and Flemish rooms mainly being closed at the time for renovation, some paintings had been kept out).
Next we went down three levels to walk through the moat of the royal palace (1200s/1300s, probably filled in during the 1500s) that had been excavated in the 1980s
Through the Greek antiquities to see the Venus de Milo and the winged Victory of Samothrace discovered in 1863.
The Coronation of Napoleon <picture>
And of course the Italian Renaissance -- Titian, da Vinci, Digiorgio. "She looks like the kind of women who promises more than she delivers" -- Oscar Wilde
Ending at some of Michaelangelo's statues
Taste of Paris
Then we had cherries (Rainier and Napoleon)
Stopped at a Patessiere and then a Fromagerie for tasting
There was a Rocquefort, some goat cheese and a couple of hard cheeses as well as some quince and Mary Ellen's homemade tapenade- olives, anchovies (rinsed), olive oil, capers, garlic. The two best things were the soft cheese and the homemade tapenade.
Macaroons were brought from Italy with Catherine deMedici. In the 19th Century, the French macaroon was created.
Storer is the oldest bakery in France. When a Polish princess married the King, she brought her pastry chef and he invented Baba a Rum and the Well of Love.
We got to try (goose) rillettes and (duck) foie gras at Godard, a shop that specializes in goose.
A last bite was the "Cushion of Lyons". An almond paste in the outside with a chocolate sauce and Curaçao.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Normandy Day Trip
11 cemeteries in France, 5 for WWI and 6 for WWII
Omaha Beach - has 3 villages on 6 miles
35,000 men landed or tried to land. 4,000 died; 800 on the beach
90% of the 1,000 men of the first wave were unable to join in the rest of the fight
Families were given two years to decide if they wanted to leave the bodies in Normandy or if they wanted their loved ones repatriated to the States. Because the bodies were put in as the families decided, there is no order
Semi-Circle memorial surrounds the Garden of the missing. The statue represents the spirit of the American youth
The circular chapel is in the center of the cemetery which is laid out in the shape of the Latin cross
9,386 buried in this cemetery (40%)
At noon, the clock rang and then chimed out the tune to "America the Beautiful" and the "Panis Angelicus"
Monday, June 6, 2016
June 6th Afternoon walk
Poisoning scandal of 17th Century -- Poison list 1676 -- Wormwood (absinthe), cypress leaves (Gordon and the Marquise de Van Villiers(?)) "The Leather Funnel" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- Further writings from the letters of Madame de Sevigny
St. Michael is traditionally shown vanquishing the devil
St. Denys, the patron saint of France, is shown beheaded, often holding the head
Church of Saint Severin -- hermit from the 6th Century -- the church has expanded sideways over the centuries to grow expanding communities
June 6 in Paris
An example of breakfast:
Paris Walks -- Notre Dame with Chloe
The Notre Dame Cathedral used to be a temple to Juno
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I think this is the Hall of Justice |
The spire (see picture) was added in the 18th century by a man named La Duke who really captured (some say invented) the Gothic style. Though he took many liberties.
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Chloe really getting into it |
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Oldest working clock in Paris |
Oldest Public clock in Paris dating back to 1894(?)
It was very noisy as we were on big public streets, Chloe had an incredible vocabulary throwing in words like "vertiginous" and "insalubrious" "palaver."
There are 36 bridges that cross the Seine in Paris
Picture of Man on the horse -- Henry IV town planner, made a lot of public places - Green and Gallant one
#36 where Maigret works

We walked over to the Latin Quarter to eat lunch. Dad and Brian had been wanting sausages and they got... something orange? We also got some really awesome desserts including a locally made sorbet.

Thursday, March 24, 2016
Pedicure -- Fun with Cari and Anna
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Welding Class
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Chili Cook off!
Friday, March 11, 2016
Book swap
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Bozeman Symphony -- Shostakovich
Then, Heidi and I had lunch at Sweet Chili. The service was actually fast and the meal was just spicy enough (at three out of four chilis).
And the Shostakovich... wow. I hadn't slept well the night before and the Pure Barre made me tired but even trying to take a nap. It was just a fabulous trip.