So, two more barbecues at my place this week. Thursday I hosted a shindig for my building. I just think it's nice for work people to have time to meet outside of... well, work. There were almost, um, 20 people there. I even had two babies and a dog. Nice, huh? The included picture is of Carrie, Cooper and Bridgette. How cute is this kid!?!
Then, Friday, had another BBQ for the friends. It was a goodbye Laura/Luca/Kay/Spring and a Happy Birthday Lucy BBQ. 30 people. I am
so popular. Or, Co-host is. Either way, it was AWESOME. I had told people to come at 6, so the first person showed up around 6:20. 10 minutes before I expected! I was scrambling a little bit to get the palm tree and tikki pole blown up but it was fine.

Of course, no party is complete without a board game so we broke out the Settlers of Cattan. Lis, Lauren, Carrie and Andrew were pretty seriously into this game for a long, LONG time. I think the game ended up being almost two or three hours long. I lost track for awhile.

were other people there, quite a few of them actually, including some Italians.
Gardiner is such an international hub. Plus, there's finally a rumor about me! Five years, I've waited for a rumor about me! Apparently, I am the girl who wants to have a hundred parties before the summer is over. Which, in Gardiner, pretty much means I would have to have something on the order of three parties a day. Um, just three parties in the last week have kicked my ass. Although, I am, indeed the hostess-with-the-mostest. Just notice behind the board gamers my neatly labeled recycling, garbage and dirty dishes bins. We had candles, copious amounts of food and even a white-trash backyard fire (Previous homeowner (Hi, Eric!) had set up a washtub on two cinder blocks. I consider buying/making a real pit every once in awhile, but this is so kitschy-cute!). I even had penis straws available for those who asked.
Just like my profile says, I kick ass!
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