It's been pointed out by more than one person that my blog name is.... somewhat misleading. So, sometime in the next couple of weeks I'm going to change the address.
Just so's y'all know.
I'm going to try and get something more... sedate. Maybe "jessisblog" but that is probably taken and looks a bit confusing. Something with an address that I can give to my parents. Maybe something easy to remember?
Suggestions are welcome.
Off-the-cuff ideas:
jessigye (GYE being the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem)
pizzababe (though I debate this job every other month or so)
bookbabe (again, probably already taken)
yorkler (for Yellowstone snorkler)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Party Four
...happened while I was in Cayucos. Carrie Guiles has assured me that she has pictures and will be posting them soon. Check her blog for more details.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
So, I recently got to spend a week in California with my Dad's sister's family. Seven kids in the family. They like to play board games when they get together. I was in heaven. We played Scene It: Squabble more than once and the boys couldn't understand why they weren't winning. I guess that, if you put Terry, Todd and Tom on the same team, they usually win.
I started the weekend off by picking up my brother in Bozeman (notice his hair, big sausage curls down past his shoulders and then he chopped it all off for Locks of Love) and we grabbed lunch then went to the airport. We had to get ourselves up to Cayucos from L.A. We landed just before seven at night and made it to the 'rents' condo around 10:30. The fires were amazing. We weren't at all close but you could see the flames lighting up the northern sky.
The condo was right on the beach. Almost every morning, we started the day by walking along the beach. Notice the coffee mugs in almost every hand and my mother in her jammies. In this picture, she had picked up some big piece of seaweed and was swinging it back and forth until the darn thing broke off. It's not often that the four of us get to spend time together so the three days we had were pretty awesome. We played a lot of Euchre. Stupid boys kept winning.
It was a great week. We saw a bunch of dolphins and seals. I even made it into the water once, the ocean is breathtakingly cold. The absolute worst part of the vacation was when I rolled my ankle playing beach volleyball. Say it with me, "aaaaawwwwww." Just can't help but feel sorry for me, can ya? A week of sand, sun and ice cream. Poor, poor me.
On Thursday night, I went to San Luis Obispo with my cousins Emily and Katie. There is a farmer's market there every week. Unfortunately, it was all food. We had really been hoping for more of a people/artisan's market. Earrings or other jewelry would have been appreciated. But there were none. Katie is... almost seventeen and the youngest of seven. She's definitely a pistol, keeps the rest of the family on their toes. Emily just turned 21 and is excited to be able to drink. On Friday, I went out with her, her father, and his two friends to play shuffle board. It was an experience. They were definitely more of drinkers than I am. I had three beers and quit. All in all, a week full of brand-new experiences.

On Thursday night, I went to San Luis Obispo with my cousins Emily and Katie. There is a farmer's market there every week. Unfortunately, it was all food. We had really been hoping for more of a people/artisan's market. Earrings or other jewelry would have been appreciated. But there were none. Katie is... almost seventeen and the youngest of seven. She's definitely a pistol, keeps the rest of the family on their toes. Emily just turned 21 and is excited to be able to drink. On Friday, I went out with her, her father, and his two friends to play shuffle board. It was an experience. They were definitely more of drinkers than I am. I had three beers and quit. All in all, a week full of brand-new experiences.
Family portraits
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Where am I?
Sorry for very few posts lately. I was on vacation and then immediately got sick after I came home. Trying to catch up is taking a lot of my time so I won't be able to post vacation pics until Saturday or maybe even Monday.
Hope y'all are doing well!
Hope y'all are doing well!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
New Grill
Have I mentioned how cool my co-hostess is? She brought back a grill and it works! Check it out!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Game Night
Last year we met every Thursday for game night. We usually had around 6 people and we just played a different board game every night. This year, we've only tried to get together twice. Neither time have we actually played board games.
The first time only Ally and Lauren showed up. We ended up going out to Lamar Valley to look for wolves. We had to stop at Tower to pee and ended up spending almost an hour talking to Mitch and his friends. Then we went out to Lamar and peed again. We heard a loon and crickets. No wolves.
This past Thursday, Lauren and Ally showed up again as well as Heidi, Trudy and Carrie. We met at my place. We ended up chatting and moving furniture until it was too late to play any games. Best laid plans... are sometimes better put aside.
The first time only Ally and Lauren showed up. We ended up going out to Lamar Valley to look for wolves. We had to stop at Tower to pee and ended up spending almost an hour talking to Mitch and his friends. Then we went out to Lamar and peed again. We heard a loon and crickets. No wolves.
This past Thursday, Lauren and Ally showed up again as well as Heidi, Trudy and Carrie. We met at my place. We ended up chatting and moving furniture until it was too late to play any games. Best laid plans... are sometimes better put aside.
Wednesday Softball
yech. We ended up losing. It was our own fault. I think we were having too much fun. I love my team. My friend Ally(2) got to play for the first time. Ever. She totally whiffed, but she got in the game and swung. I think that's all that really matters.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Snowcoach Man
I live near some very talented people. There are musicians, actors and artists of all mediums living in town. It's very humbling...
but also very fun. Check out this take-off of the Grizzly Man. Um, lots of swear words... so be prepared.
If you've seen the movie, you'll LURV this video. If you haven't seen the movie, this is still pretty good.
but also very fun. Check out this take-off of the Grizzly Man. Um, lots of swear words... so be prepared.
If you've seen the movie, you'll LURV this video. If you haven't seen the movie, this is still pretty good.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Drinking on the Fourth of July
The bride was radiant, the groom was handsome, Tyler was GREAT as the "priest." The dresses were even beautiful. Well, they might be usable again. And they flattered all of the women. At least, I thought so.
Also cute, the already married couples
The dinner was lovely and delicious. I think there were maybe a hundred people there. The music for dancing was provided by a play-list of tunes that the attendees had sent in beforehand.
The next day, we went tubing on the Madison River.
It was, unfortunately, overcast and the runoff from the snow-melt is still going on. The river was quite chilly, but at least we didn't have to stand up and drag our tubes ever. Sometimes, when it gets warmer, you have to do that because the river is so low. Then, Kendra, Doug, Kevin, Trudy, Heidi, Emily and I went to Norris Hot Springs. it was low key and wonderful. I've never been there before and it was so different from Chico. The social atmosphere was so laid-back it was nice. I loved seeing all of my friends and it was so much fun to just hang out.
The next day, we went tubing on the Madison River.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
What do you say?
So, today someone asked me, "Tell me about Tom." (not the real name). What do you say to that? My reply (after a blank look and a long "durrrrr") was "Well, what do you mean? In what way?" Basically, I think the person was trying to figure out whether or not Tom was single, but how do you ever answer that question? "Well, Tom is a hemophiliac racist." What? Is there really any way to reply that doesn't sound stupid?
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