It's that time of year. The seasonals have arrived and the Yellowstone Research Library Bookmobile is once again

on the move. It's a very basic thing. Once a month, the librarians (or, more often, our seasonals) take a couple of boxes of books around the park in order to help provide research access to people around the park.I took a couple of pictures at our stop at Old Faithful. On the left is a picture of our general setup. We get to a stop, pop open the back and then sit for awhile and hope that people will come and use the services that we provide. The other pictures are purely for creating jealousy. The first is a picture of Old Faithful going off. This is the view we have from the bookmobile. The second shows the snow that was still in the park at the end of may. The third is a half picture of one of our new interns, Jessica driving past one of the three bears we saw during our trip. He was just hanging out next to the road playing in the puddle. Interesting fact we found out at our mandatory training session, there have been no injuries committed by a bear during a bear jam (when tens to hundreds of cars stop and disgorge their passengers to stop and stare at bears) since 1977. Too bad the picture is somewhat blurry.

you push "research books" out of the back of a van in a parking lot? shady
If it's medicinal, it's legal in Montana.
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