Saturday, October 30, 2010
South Dakota-Wednesday
Sunday, October 17, 2010
South Dakota-Tuesday
Tuesday, August 24
Allie and I woke up and walked down to Common Grounds, a coffee shop, to get some drinks.
On the way out to the ranch, we first stopped off at Aunt Teresa’s house so Allie could visit. What a nice lady! She had some cobbler for us to eat and their house was beautiful. It was built to be the fajther’s workshop, but when he got sick, the townsfolk got together and helped them to make it into a home. The stairs are a little dizzying but it seems like a fun place to live.
We also stopped at Keystone, an equivalent gateway community to Gardiner, only it's outside Mount Rushmore, and grabbed some ice cream and Mexican. The lunch was okay but not expensive so it all equaled out. We also ran through a really neat antique store and I found a butter cutter so that I can make real pie crusts now. This is also the closest I got to finding a mechanical bull. Sigh.
On the way out to the ranch, we played I Spy which was surprisingly difficult at times considering there was really only the open road ahead of us.
We finally got to Allie’s family ranch which was incredibly beautiful. The house was a kit from Sears that the family had lived in. With only two true bedrooms and one bath, I don’t know how they survived with the many, many children (8?) that they had.
We hopped in the truck and rode around. Emily and I sat in the back of the truck with the pupsters and just enjoyed the scenery.
Allie took us down to her favorite tree and we hung out until dusk.
We went for a moonlit walk and then went to bed.
South Dakota-Monday
We then rode the swing ride and after hanging out at the German polka tent for awhile, we went back to Allie’s cousins house and fell promptly asleep
My work is rarely dull
People, if you're going to do things like this, make sure that there are no cameras in the building. Seriously.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
September books
Friday, October 8, 2010
Antiques Roadshow

Once you get into the area where they do all the pricing, you can't have a phone or camera so I don't have any pics but the people standing in line were enough. I would definitely recommend that anyone going to get

We started with my little statue. The guy was very, very apologetic while telling me that my troubadour is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. I wasn't expecting much so I wasn't very crushed. The guy seemed a little taken aback that I wasn't more crushed. Um, okay.

The next stop was musical instruments. The first table where we didn't get to walk right up. The guy there got excited when he saw the case. It's a fancy, shmancy thing but the violin... turned out not to be what he had expected. He said that it was "only" worth something like $250-300. I say, meh, for a $10 garage-sale buy, that's pretty awesome.
The last stop was Collectibles-or-whatever-that-section-was-called. There were a lot of people in line. We ended up waiting for over and hour. The guy that looked at Christie's calendar was actually very intrigued. It ended up that similar lithographs were selling for about $50-88. This was an unusual litho because the calendar, all twelve tear-off months were still there.
We got to do the thing at the end where you talk to folks but didn't make it on TV. Well, not on purpose. If you see a green skirt covering a wide butt and a white shirt with criss-cross in the back, that's me.
Episode 2 -- April 18 at 7pm
Episode 3 -- April 25 at 7pm