We went to the Fair. It was awesome.
sure a lot of people would decry this sport as being inhumane but the pigs sure look like they're having fun.
First, there was a practice run so we could see the pigs strut their stuff. Everyone in the crowd got a ticket and then could put one half of it into the bucket whose color corresponded with that of the pig we though might win. Then the pigs were off again. The pig in the black jersey was always put in backwards. At the end, the pigs get a little treat and the barker pulled a ticket from the bucket and the matching half got some little trinket or prize.
The pig wrestling (or "wraissling" as I tried to make everyone say but using it as much as possible) was the event we had come for. There were four teams (two mens, two womens) and everyone was dressed up in theme costumes. Just before the announcer explained the rules, the pigs were covered in baking oil.
The object of the game was to get the 100-150 lb. pig into the bucket. All four team members must have a hand on the pig as it goes in. They can't grab the tail or the ears of the pig, it's a 10 second penalty. The pig must go in feet first, an upside-down pig was an automatic disqualification. There is a maximum of 1:20 seconds to get the pig out of the tub and put it back in the pig pen. The teams must start in four corners of the arena and have at least one hand on the rail. It was hilarious, loud and just down-right fun. I had tried to talk Emily, Allie and Allie's cousin into making up a team but they were adamant about not going in. The winning times were:
Minute Man Archery club 14.21
Children's Miracle Network 50.81
Cedar Canyon Bible Camp 1:17.06
Children's Miracle Network 1:17.22

We then rode the swing ride and after hanging out at the German polka tent for awhile, we went back to Allie’s cousins house and fell promptly asleep
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