Sunday, March 6, 2011


So recently my friend Carrie asked which blogs I read. Well, there are a lot of them but I thought I'd share... a little bit at a time.
First up, the blogs that don't fit into any of my folder categories
Woman gives advice on how to apply for jobs

Coworker's blog about her family and running a B&B. Very cute and includes great recipes

Like the address says, spoilers for the TV show "Bones"

Kendra and Doug update a blog for their kiddo

Shannon and Jeff update their overseas adventures

Blog for a guy whose podcast I listen to

Pictures of various cake disasters wrought by so-called professionals

Never been to Walmart at 2am? These are the people I saw but some of these appear to come out during the day

Anonymous people send in post cards with secrets they can't tell in person but are willing to share with the world

Again, the address says it all

Posts from Facebook that should put these people to shame