Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving -Gardiner Style

I love this time of year. The leaves (which Montana doesn't have, but I got to see in IN last weekend) turning, the smell of smoke in the air, getting to fire up my wood stove. I love it all. Soon we'll be gorging ourselves until, as Heidi would say, "our bellies are round and hard." My big plans for Thursday are to start off with brunch and the Macy's Day Parade, attend the Gardiner Turkey Trot (the town does 1-2 laps around the mile long triangle at the Roosevelt Arch), then go to rugby, and then put my pajamas on and eat appetizers and watch football for the rest of the day. Friday will be the day of feasting with somewhere between 5-12 of us. Who knows who will show up, but we have a 14 lb. turkey so I hope people are coming!

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