Monday, August 2, 2010

Big Lebowski Party, July 9th

We finally had our Big Lebowski party! My fairly Odd June was out since we had such crappy weather but I was determined to get at least that done. I sent out the invite, prepped the log o' meat (seven pounds of hamburger from Costco) and waited for people to show up. I had said 7. Well, by 7:30, Allie and Emily were the only ones who had shown up and I decided that I could have a couple of beers. But then, they all started trickling in and I ended up having 27 people for the movie that night! The White Russian milkshakes were a hit and though the movie hiccuped a bit at the end, it was still a great evening.

1 comment:

Becks said...

The Dude Abides. I approve!