Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hanging at Lake

Drove down to Lake Hotel last night. Yes, I ventured into the park. Carrie and her dad were down fishing so I met them for dinner. Well, I saw her car on the side of the road and veered over. When I asked how the fish were running, she replied nicely enough but when I said, "and your dog is just sacked out" she kind of got a little weirded out. With the water running and not being able to see me clearly, she had no idea that the person talking to her actually knew her.

We had a lovely and delicious dinner at the hotel and I stuck around to hang out in the lobby. It was like a scene out of "Dirty Dancing." Piano player entertaining the mostly over 60 audience all seated in wicker chairs in the sunroom. This Labor Day weekend is really the last hurrah before most of the families have to get back so the kids can go to school. There are still a lot of retirees and Elderhostel tours but the summer season is really winding down. Thank you Baby Jesus.

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