Friday, July 31, 2020

PItchstone Plateau July 31st

Another 8ish mile day. Steve, Heidi, and Robin all wanted to go to Union Falls which would be a 13 mile round-trip hike with the last mile or so being like "walking through sand." No thank you. Karen and I decided to scout out the path for tomorrow instead. And it ended up being a good thing because it was not well marked nor well cleared for the first few miles. It looks like there were some fires maybe 10ish years ago and thr trail markers hadn't been replaced. There were a lot of times we would just sort of walk around until we found a cut log signaling that it had been a cleared path at some point. We just went to the second stream crossing but it was enough. The way back was remarkably easier to see and what too about 1 1/2 hours to get to took about an hour to get back.
We hung out at camp for awhile, filtered some water, but the mosquitoes were once again hideous so we decided to head back toward Cascade Acres to hang out and see if we could find a part off Heidi's Camelback. The part was found and we lazed. Karen got in the water for awhile. I just dunked my shirt and then read on the beach.
We got to see three otters playing and then headed back to our campsite that Heidi said is about elevation 7,021. The mosquitoes were disgusting once again so I was in the tent by 8.

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