Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer Plans

Spring is officially winding down. Even the weather in Montana seems like it may be giving in to the inevitable. I think that any more snow this season is doubtful (fingers crossed). By now, we've had several days of good to beautiful weather. Thank god this week was finally good. I had begun to despair that we would ever have sun or even warmth again.
A couple of weeks ago, I sat down with Heidi and Trudy and made up our goals for the Summer of 2008:
  1. Plan at least 10 parties
  2. Attend the Roosevelt cookout
  3. Snorkel in the Yellowstone
  4. Snorkel in the Firehole
  5. Have a House marathon, complete with martinis
  6. Wii tournament
  7. Get drunk on the Fourth of July
  8. 3rd annual Chocolate party
    1. make sure to put it in the newsletter
  9. Make a plan to BBQ with the boys in Tower
  10. Go see "Sex in the City"
  11. Float the Yellowstone in innertubes
  12. Plan a weekend to float the Madison River and go to Virginia City and maybe go to Lewis and Clark Caverns
  13. Attend an art walk in Livingston
  14. Find a new summer drink
We haven't really done any of these yet. Except the parties. We're working on the summer drinks. I'm confident we'll get most of these done. We'll see at the end of the season whether they were.

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