Monday, June 8, 2009

Another long absence

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know at this point this is more a diary than anything else, but I feel like I should be keeping it up. There's been a lot going on lately. I'll try to get some pictures and posts up about going back to IN for a whirlwind weekend of wedding stuff, training our new staff, garage sales and all of the other stuff that's been going on lately. Summers in Gardiner are always full-packed. I think it's 'cause we have to shove all of our socializing and activities into roughly two and a half months of the year. There haven't been any barbecues this year yet. It's partly because of burnout from last summer, part from not having the yard ready to go, and part from sheer laziness. Hopefully I'll get it all together next weekend and we'll be able to have a party on the 20th before the second day of the Gardiner rodeo. Oh my gosh, that's the weekend after next. And then, that next Thursday I'm back in Indiana for two weeks. And then it's July. JULY people! Where does time go? I swear I'm going to blink and it will be September again.

1 comment:

Becks said...

Yay! Visit! I am so excited to see you!