Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I decided to track the books I've read this year on Goodreads. Just a fun little experiment to see how many books I read. So far this year, I've read two books twice (well, one was reading and one was an audiobook but still...) Yes, I re-read books. I have a horrible memory and I also like to re-read previous books in a series when the latest one comes out.
January: 18
February: 22
March: 46
April: 38
May: 32
June: 29 (on the 28th)
In my defense (do I need to defend this? It's an awful lot of books, but...), a lot of these are books I've read before or I listened to while doing other chores or are short, young adult books. A LOT. If you just went with adult books that are improving for the mind, there are probably about 10 (actually, it's 10 exactly).
Then again, I'm a bibliophile so it's hard to get too upset with having read such a large number of books. It's all in fun and I've enjoyed every one.


Becks said...

You know. For the rest of us bibliophiles, you could include a ranking system - ie, what you read that was good, bad or indifferent. I find myself saying huh! Jessi read a lot of books in February. Wonder if she read anything I would like!

Ssejig said...

Eh, all the books I read, I'm posting on Goodreads. You should friend me there and then you would get all of my reviews. Unfortunately, by the time I get through most of those books, I don't really remember everything I've read by the end of the month.

Becks said...

Huh. I've actually never heard of Goodreads before, but! It sounds like something that I'd need another password for. Thoreau says simplify, simplify. Ergo, I am refusing to sign up for one more thing that requires a password.

I figure I'll make it maximum of a month. :) Good to talk to you yesterday!