Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Two Beer recipes- Ah ha ha

8/1 (but really 7/31)
LALVIN, EC-118 saccharomyes bayanus
1/2 kil Muntons dry malt-amber
1/2 kilo sugar in the raw
"Some" (Eyeballs down of a bear of) honey

1/4 c. priming sugar
1/4 c. amber dry malt
3/4 c. lactose

Dissolve misxture in two bottles of cider. Jessi whisked like a fiend. Smells nice and appley. Sidenote: Carrie, in her drunkeness, decided that we should wash bottles tonight for a brew to be bottled next week.
->No more honey in the house, need to improvise.
Sugar is disolved, removing from heat
Dump 1 1/2 bottles into the carboy first so's it doesn't crack
Let mixture get to 75 degrees and add the yeasties (Carrie is drunk, so take the rest of the instructions with a grain of salt)
LALVIN is added
Add a little bit of wort to your water to get it spot on
Perfect at 105 degrees
Add yeasties. Let sit without stirring at least 15 minutes
It went up and down
ADd 2.25 tsps of Pecitic Enzyme to the wort
Swirl the yeast mixture into the carboy
Add Wort and swirlie, swirlie, swirlie
Add rest of the cider
Run cheap vodka through tubing
Put the Blow off on
Blow off initiated! Go yeast!

Make sure the spigot on the bucket is upside down and turned with handle to the left. While siphoning (or "racking") cider into bucket, wait until about 2 inches are in the bucket, add ingredients while gently stirring in one direction. When suction starts to fail, lift wand, keeping on side of bucket, above level of cider. Make sure NOT to suck dregs from carboy (Especially since Carrie is going to refrigerate and culture the yeast, 'cause this is good yeast, not evil yeast)

1 comment:

Becks said...

Sounds like you guys had fun! Swirlie, Swirlie!