Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fangirly Eek!

A couple of months ago, I reviewed the book Summer of Fire by Linda Jacobs for the Wyoming Library Roundup Spring 2008 issue. It's a little cheesy but I really did enjoy the book. Generally, the book is categorized under "Fiction" but it has definite leanings toward both adventure and chick-lit. Her subsequent novels Rain of Fire and Lake of Fire have also been pretty good.
I had completely forgotten about it until today when Linda Jacobs came in to the library to do some research. Of course, I knew who she was. It made me all fan-girly and "Ooo! Ooo! An author is coming! An author is coming!" But then, she started flipping through the magazine and pointed to the review. "This is you!" I seriously started blushing. I could't even remember what I wrote. For library reviews, you're not supposed to praise or criticize authors. It's supposed to be more of a "this book about this and is suitable for these ages." I kind of cringe when I read my review. It just doesn't flow as well as the others on the page. And the author actually read it! Oh, crap. Oh, well. At least I didn't have to review the book written by my co-worker...
P.S. If I bought books based on niceness of the author, I'd buy 2 and 3/4 of her [three] books.


theredplayroom said...

2 3/4 books out of how many books? How does this rating system work?

Ssejig said...

Careful readers will note that I mentioned three books having been written by this author. But I updated the post anyway.