Friday, August 8, 2008

New Rumors

So, I think I've kvetched about this before. I have lived here for over three years now (not counting the first two summers) and I've never heard a rumor about me before. Finally, while making the pinata for Carrie's cancer-free/birthday party, I heard the second one (the first was that I am trying to throw a hundred parties this summer, that one, I've heard it twice). Apparently, Heidi and I (pictured in this pinata making picture) are dating. This is a surprise for a couple of reasons. First, if there were a lesbian dating rumor about me, I would have thought that it would be me and Guiles. Good lord, we throw enough parties together. Second, I'm surprised that someone thinks I could land a Heidi. If I could find a guy like her, I'd be trying to date him.
Anyway, I finally have a rumor about me!!!

1 comment:

Dr.Thermophile said...

guiles is my mistress you'd better back off