Thursday, March 25, 2010


My group started out at the country house mixing cement. But we got done early, so we switched over and helped mix cement at house number two.
Tuesday was supposed to be the hottest day in history for that date so our leader decided that we would take the afternoon off. So, we took two vans and went up to LA Advanzada. It was up in the mountains and therefore much cooler. We looked at the community center that had been built by some other churches then went for a stroll around the village. It was an incredibly poor community that had been devastated in the past year by an earthquake that had killed something like six people out of the 600 that lived there. The houses were made out of cement block or clay bricks. The bricks were the mud/horse manure/hay mixture that you see on National Geographic shows. It was incredible.
The other big story from that day was one of the patients that the doctor treated. It was a thirteen-year-old girl. She had a baby. And was pregnant. Again.

Soccer field. Hate to be the team that has to retrieve a ball from that goal.
Bricks drying in the sun
Community Center
Views on the way up the mountain

Tuesday dinner. The touch of fancy on the left is actually ketchup.

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